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Side-by-Side Candidate Comparison in the Riding of Toronto - St. Paul's

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In response to a constituent's questions during his 2024 by-election campaign, Mr. Stewart made it clear that he is firmly pro-abortion and that he supports homosexual "marriage", although he believes children should not be making life-altering decisions to undergo transsexual mutilation. He also accepts the homicidal practice of euthanasia in principle, but is cautious about its expansion and oversight, expressing particular concerns over the threat of approving the mentally ill for death by euthanasia.

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In his response to CLC's 2024 federal by-election questionnaire, the candidate took an ultra-libertarian position by saying that, notwithstanding his personal views about the sanctity of life or when life begins, he does "not believe we should be using representative politics to solve social or moral issues". Given the context of his response, that would include abortion.

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The Liberal Party of Canada under Justin Trudeau has voted solidly in support of the evils of abortion, LGBT ideology, and euthanasia. In 2014, prior to becoming Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau announced that no pro-life candidate would be accepted in the Liberal Party under his rule unless that candidate was willing to betray their conscience and vote in favour of abortion.

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Official NDP policy is pro-abortion & pro-LGBT ideology. As well, the NDP caucus has voted systematically in favour of the radical expansion of euthanasia in Canada since the homicidal practice was legalized in 2016.

Ms. Parhar is the Director of Programs at the Institute for Change Leaders, which was founded by notorious pro-abortion, pro-LGBT former NDP MP and current Mayor of Toronto, Olivia Chow.

Don Stewart(Conservative) Dennis Wilson(People's Party Of Canada) Leslie Church(Liberal ) Amrit Parhar(New Democrat)
CLC Rating Pro-abortion, anti-traditional marriage, educable on euthanasiaNot supportablePro-abortion, Pro-LGBT ideology, Pro-euthanasiaPro-abortion, Pro-LGBT ideology, Pro-euthanasia
RATING COMMENTS: In response to a constituent's questions during his 2024 ...

In his response to CLC's 2024 federal by-election questio...

The Liberal Party of Canada under Justin Trudeau has vote...

Official NDP policy is pro-abortion & pro-LGBT ideology. ...

1. Do you believe life begins at conception (fertilization)? --Yes----
2. Are there any circumstances under which you believe a woman should have access to abortion? Yes, all circumstances (based on interview with constituent)Unclear responseAll circumstances (based on Trudeau edict)All circumstances (based on party's pro-abortion position)
3. If elected, would you vote in favour of a law to protect all unborn children from the time of conception (fertilization) onward? No (based on interview with constituent)No (implied)No (based on Trudeau edict)No (based on party policy)
4. If elected, will you vote to pass laws protecting people from euthanasia and assisted-suicide, and vote to reject laws that would expand euthanasia and assisted-suicide? UnclearNo (implied)----
5. Do you support the conscience rights of health care professionals to refuse to do or refer for medical procedures which they oppose? --Unclear response----

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Official Green Party policy is pro-abortion and pro-LGBT ideology. Mr. Cullis also ran for the Green Party in the 2021 federal election, in the riding of Burlington.

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Centrist Party of Canada policy is officially pro-abortion, as cloaked in the following statement from the party's website: "We consider reproductive rights to be a personal decision of women."

Disturbingly, Centrist Party policy on women's issues exclusively uses the word "gender" when referring to the biological state of being a woman. This could be an unintended effect of the propagandized misuse of the word "gender" by Transgender ideologues to replace the proper biological word "sex".

In addition, Centrist Party policy favours a quota system for all parties, under which candidates would be selected based on numerical targets reflecting their sex, rather than on merit.

The Centrist Party also intends to create hate-speech laws to protect people against hate speech, but does not define exactly what hate speech is. This should be a concern for people of faith whose moral principles might fall under someone else's definition of hate speech.

Christian Cullis(Green) Ali Mohiuddin(Centrist Party Of Canada)
CLC Rating Pro-abortion, pro-LGBT ideologyPro-abortion
RATING COMMENTS: Official Green Party policy is pro-abortion and pro-LGBT ...

Centrist Party of Canada policy is officially pro-abortio...

1. Do you believe life begins at conception (fertilization)? ----
2. Are there any circumstances under which you believe a woman should have access to abortion? All circumstances (per party policy)Yes (based on party policy)
3. If elected, would you vote in favour of a law to protect all unborn children from the time of conception (fertilization) onward? No (per party policy)No (based on party policy)
4. If elected, will you vote to pass laws protecting people from euthanasia and assisted-suicide, and vote to reject laws that would expand euthanasia and assisted-suicide? ----
5. Do you support the conscience rights of health care professionals to refuse to do or refer for medical procedures which they oppose? ----
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