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Side-by-Side Candidate Comparison in the Riding of Papineau

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No response to CLC's 2021 federal election questionnaire.

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CLC’s 2021 federal election questionnaire not sent due to insufficient contact information.

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Justin Trudeau is the most rabidly pro-abortion Prime Minister in Canadian history. He is such an abortion extremist that he makes his father, the late former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, look like a moderate in comparison.

As Canada's child-killer-in-chief, Justin Trudeau fully supports abortion for every reason that it can be committed.

Justin supports female gendercide abortions which target baby girls in the womb, just because they're girls. He supports eugenic abortions which target children with disabilities. He supports abortion for Downs Syndrome. He supports abortions for lifestyle convenience, as a back-up birth control method. He supports chemical abortions and dismemberment abortions. Trudeau has never met an abortion he didn't like.

So fanatical is his love for abortion that in 2014, he decreed a new candidate selection policy which forbids any pro-life or pro-traditional marriage Canadians from running as Liberal Party candidates. The only way they would be allowed to run is if they promise to vote in favour of killing preborn children whenever such legislation comes up.

But Justin Trudeau's extremism doesn't end at just killing children in-utero. It also extends to forcing Canadians to pay for it with their hard-earned tax dollars, not only in Canada, but in Africa and other foreign countries. Justin Trudeau committed $7.1 billion in Canadian tax dollars by the year 2030, to fund abortions in Africa.

Justin Trudeau is also fanatical about brainwashing society with LGBTTIQ2S+ ideology. In order to use Canada's money supply as a vehicle for homosexual propaganda, he created a "gay looney" coin which depicts two men kissing. He dressed his own 4-yr old son in a princess dress for halloween to show the world just how "woke" he is. He lowered the age of consent for sodomy from 18 to 16, which had the effect of legally permitting 21-year old adult men to have anal sex with 16-year-old minor boys. Trudeau has funnelled hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to homosexual advocacy groups who will no doubt use the money to continue stripping away the conscience rights, free speech rights, and parental rights of Canada's increasingly oppressed Christian community, and those of other faiths.

On March 11, 2021, PM Trudeau voted to dramatically expand the euthanasia killing regime in Canada under Bill C-7, even extending it to people suffering from mental illness alone.

In June 2021, Trudeau voted against pro-life Bill C-233, introduced by Conservative MP Cathay Wagantall, to outlaw the horrific practice of sex-selective abortion, in which unborn babies are killed for no other reason than their sex.

Later that month, Trudeau further revealed himself to be an enemy of parental rights, and science, by voting to pass Bill C-6, legislation that will jail parents for up to 5 years if they dare to affirm their gender-confused child in their biological sex.

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Official NDP policy is pro-abortion & pro-LGBT ideology
Julio Rivera(Conservative) Christian Boutin(People's Party Of Canada) Justin Trudeau(Liberal) Christine Paré(New Democrat)
CLC Rating UnknownUnknownPro-abortion, pro-LGBT ideology, pro-euthanasia, anti-free speechPro-abortion, pro-LGBT ideology
RATING COMMENTS: No response to CLC's 2021 federal election questionnaire.

CLC’s 2021 federal election questionnaire not sent due ...

Justin Trudeau is the most rabidly pro-abortion Prime Min...

Official NDP policy is pro-abortion & pro-LGBT ideology

1. Do you believe life begins at conception (fertilization)? no responsesurvey not sent----
2. Are there any circumstances under which you believe a woman should have access to abortion? no responsesurvey not sentAll circumstances (based on Trudeau edict)All circumstances (per party policy)
3. If elected, would you vote in favour of a law to protect all unborn children from the time of conception (fertilization) onward? no responsesurvey not sentNo (based on Trudeau edict)No (per party policy)
4. If elected, will you vote to pass laws protecting people from euthanasia and assisted-suicide, and vote to reject laws that would expand euthanasia and assisted-suicide? no responsesurvey not sent----
5. Do you support the conscience rights of health care professionals to refuse to do or refer for medical procedures which they oppose? no responsesurvey not sent----

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Offical Bloc position is pro-abortion and pro-LGBT ideology
Nabila Ben Youssef(Bloc Québécois)
CLC Rating Pro-abortion, pro-LGBT ideology
RATING COMMENTS: Offical Bloc position is pro-abortion and pro-LGBT ideology

1. Do you believe life begins at conception (fertilization)? --
2. Are there any circumstances under which you believe a woman should have access to abortion? All circumstances (per party policy)
3. If elected, would you vote in favour of a law to protect all unborn children from the time of conception (fertilization) onward? No (per party policy)
4. If elected, will you vote to pass laws protecting people from euthanasia and assisted-suicide, and vote to reject laws that would expand euthanasia and assisted-suicide? --
5. Do you support the conscience rights of health care professionals to refuse to do or refer for medical procedures which they oppose? --
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